Hang Tuah Jaya Background

Malacca is a country known for its history. Malacca is located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia and is bordered by the State of Johor and Negeri Sembilan. State is the second smallest state after Perlis. The pie is only 1.657 square kilometers. Its length from north to south is 40 kilometers and its width from west to east is 69 miles. According to historical records, the name of Malacca has been long established that the name of the sultanate was founded by Parameswara, or Sultan Iskandar Shah.

From the entry of Chinese traders came to Melaka, there is a trading name of Melaka. Name of Malacca is also called the 'poetry of Java' dated 1324. Referred to as the state of Malacca under the auspices of Siam in the year 1360. Melaka name usage was first detected in the 14th century. There are many stories of how Malacca got their name.However also, the generally accepted story is a story that links it with the name of a tree called the tree of Malacca. According to the story when the Annals were hunting for, behold, a white deer with his dog kicked up the hill fell into the sea. He was fascinated by the strange events that place is thus very suitable to be used as the site states. According to the belief of the Malays in those days, such an odd incident symbolizes the beginning of a work that will result in success. He ordered an open state and the state was named Melaka, named after a tree he was sheltering in the event of such unusual events.

In addition, there are opinions that say that Malacca is derived from the word 'Malagas'. According to Gasper Correa, the author of history in the year 1551 says that Parameswara fled to Malacca, is found to have the original settlement of the Malays and the Sea. He discovered the mouth of the river is a fishing village where the people doing the work to make salted fish for sale to traders who come from outside. The place was known as 'Malagas' or 'Mulagas', after him as the central selling salted fish. In the book 'Suma Oriental', the name of Melaka is said to come from the word 'Malaya' which means 'place of refuge'. According to the story, when Parameswara came to Muar, a group of people dangan Strait met him and request him to rule over them in a more appropriate place in the last Bertam Annals said to them, "You all know in our language, a person who fled the called 'Melayo', so let this place called the 'Malaya' as this place is our refuge. " Another opinion says that the name comes from Malacca 'mirabolanos', a type of dried fruit. Malacca is also associated with the name 'Malayakolam' or 'Malayaka' which means 'land of the Malays'. The name is also similar to the name of a tribe in India who never mentioned in the story of 'Mahabharata'. Strategic geographical position of the Straits of Malacca caused it to be the focal point of traders from outside the stop in Malacca.

Oleh itu, pedagang Arab memanggil bandar pelabuhan itu 'Mulagah' yang bererti 'tempat berjumpa'. Kadang-kadang tempat itu dipanggil 'Multaqam' (tempat berkumpul) kerana semua pedagang dari timur dan barat berkumpul dan berjual beli di situ. Ada juga yang menyebut Melaka sebagai'malakat' atau 'malaqqa' yang bererti 'pasar' atau 'tempat berniaga'. Pengasas negeri Melaka ialah Parameswara di mana baginda ialah anak raja Srivijaya yang berasal dari Palembang. Baginda terbabit dalam satu pemberontakan di Sumatera menentang kerajaan Majapahit. Setelah gagal dalam pemberontakan itu baginda lari untuk menyelamatkan diri daripada dibunuh oleh angkatan Majapahit. Akhirnya baginda sampai di Temasik (nama lama bagi Singapura). Ketibaan baginda disambut oleh pemerintah Temasik iaitu Temagi. Temagi adalah wakil pemerintah kerajaan Siam yang memerintah di situ. Malangnya, Parameswara berniat jahat terhadap Temagi. Temagi mati dibunuh oleh Parameswara dan kematian Temagi itu dituntut bela oleh Siam. Parameswara dan pengikut-pengikutnya terpaksa melarikan diri sehingga sampai ke suatu tempat yang akhirnya dinamakan Melaka. Tarikh pembukaan Melaka adalah sekitar tahun 1402.
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qrcode mphtj.gov.myHang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council (MPHTJ),
SF-01, Aras 2, Kompleks Melaka Mall,
Jalan Tun Abdul Razak - Lebuh Ayer Keroh,
Hang Tuah Jaya, 75450, Ayer Keroh,
Melaka Darul Azim, Malaysia.

General Line 1 : +606 - 232 3773
General Line 2 : +606 - 232 2778

e-Mail : admin@mphtj.gov.my

Operating Hours : Monday - Friday (8:00am - 5:00pm)

  • Last Modified : Thursday 29 August 2024.
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